“LeCLAIR.vision” is a resource for the identification, use, and care of Corning Visions cookware. Vitroceramic cookware manufactured by ARC France and sold under the Arcoflam, Arcoroc, Luminarc, and Vitroflam brands is covered, as well. Much of the content is also applicable to other glass-ceramic kitchenware such as Pyroceram-based Corning Ware and Japanese Neoceram products typically sold under the Narumi and Mikasa Fire & Ice labels. This is a fan-site and is not affiliated with the manufacturers of the brands discussed within.

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Though this site is being continually updated, there’s a lot of information left to cover.

If you have a question about VISIONS cookware that doesn’t seem to be addressed on-site, you might consider joining the VISIONS cookware group on Facebook. There are several hundred members of the group that may have just the right answer for you whether you are concerned about identification, usage, care, safety, or something else.

Perhaps, you have a great tip for other VISIONS users you’d like to share, as well!

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Go To: Intro - VISIONS [Guide : Info : Media] - ARC - Usage - Care - Facebook - Outro
'Visions' is a registered trademark of Corelle Brands. 'Arcoflam', 'Arcoroc', 'Luminarc', and 'Vitroflam' are registered trademarks of ARC International France. 'CorningWare' and 'Pyrex' and are registered trademarks of Corning, Incorporated. All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners. This site is not affiliated with any of the above mentioned companies or brands in any way. No infringement is intended. It is for entertainment and informative purposes only.

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